The Gorkhon Archives

Site Updates

A record of various updates I've made to the site and when.

11/6/2024: One more small update: We have our own domain name now! Update your links to, although you can still use if you're so inclined :^) The contact email has also been changed to, so please keep this in mind as well!

11/5/2024: Hello everyone, sorry for the lack of updates (especially to the newsfeed). The site is now being hosted on Nekoweb, so please update your links accordingly! I'll be sending e-mails to all webring members to update the widget code on their sites. Some things may or may not work just yet, so I'll be bug-hunting in the meantime!

7/22/2024: Happy New Year, everyone! I've added a new section to the community gallery for Music, so please check out our first entry! It's a 15 minute EP, and it's quite a fun listen :3 Now for site updates: I added a page to stream the Pathologic Classic HD music archive straight through the site! I get that not everyone wants to download a zip archive, so you can preview tracks on there. Also added some new mods (and other edits) to the Fangames and Mods page, plus some added resources to the Modding page!

11/14/2023: Updated the Classic HD music archive... AGAIN! Added a couple videos to the Official Videos page, changed some info on the mod page.

11/4/2023: Made one last Classic HD redub mod! Not sure how useful it is but it's here.

11/3/2023: Added some new mods to the Fangames & Mods page! There's a HUD icon mod and two Classic HD redub mods made by yours truly :^) Also updated the Modding page with my archive of the mor_converter program, plus a little bit more was added to the Trivia page. More to come!

11/1/2023: Happy belated Halloween and Pathofest to all who participated! Sorry I have been neglecting the site and PARTICULARLY the newsfeed: I added some (fairly late) entries to the feed. Anywho, the Trivia page has finally been made! It's a work in progress (particularly with regard to gathering my sources), but I tried including some lesser-known facts and corrections to common misconceptions. The Pathologic 1 OST download has also been updated with a few snippets I found of unused tracks. I also reworked some pages and reorgranized them: Mod Spotlight is now Fangames & Mods and the Music page has been completely reworked. Hopefully old pages should be redirecting now to avoid broken links. Assorted articles and resources have been added as well, some things have been reworded, along with a few visual changes. Check it out! Expect another update soon.

4/20/2023: Happy holidays! Updated the font size and style.

4/16/2023: Added the Newsfeed today! Over there I'll be (attempting) to post about Pathologic-related news as I learn about it. There's also been another link added to the Extra Resources and Modding pages.

4/15/2023: New essay on Pathologic's architecture added to the Essays section!

4/11/2023: This site is now part of the Fansites Webring! Exciting!

3/29/2023: The Russian Marble Nest Alpha has been added to the Downloads page. Thanks to Alma for sending it to me! I also made a few edits to phrasing on the Downloads page to specify that the 2002 and 2005 Alphas are in Russian, plus fixed a couple links.

3/26/2023: It's been a while! Added a few new videos of the Pathologic 2 alpha to the Videos page, and provided working downloads for the Pathologic 2 Alpha and Demo on the Downloads page. Also, a couple new members are in the webring! I'm planning an update to the Offical Art page later on when I stop being sick. It'll take a while though!

1/22/2023: Created the Webring of Suok, a webring for any and all fans of Pathologic! Check it out, more widget themes will be coming soon :3

8/6/2022: Finally, after a year, I have fixed the official art and my personal fanart pages so the layout should load in and correct itself. No more refreshing, hopefully!! I also fixed the Videos pages, since I broke the layout there a while back. Will add some actual new content soonish!

7/18/2022: Added the Better Map mod to the Mod Spotlight page.

7/9/2022: Added a neat new fansite to the listing. Recently noticed I must have done something to break the videos page, so I aim to fix that soon!!! I'm also working on a translation patch for the June 2004 Alpha, which most certainly will take me a long time...

7/3/2022: Long time no see! I've updated the Articles page with a recent interview IPL did about the Bachelor Route. Also, another fansite has been added to the listing... exciting! I'm planning on editing the Development History section a bit later on, but I'm not entirely sure when yet.

4/30/2022: GREAT NEWS EVERYONE!! I finally got the font-switcher working so that it keeps your selection for the entire browser session :^) I also changed the font to Atkinson Hyperlegible because I find it a bit more readable (plus it was designed for easy character recognition). Let me know if you guys like the change or prefer a different font!

4/20/2022: A new fanfic has been added to the Community Gallery! The Gorkhon Archives was also added to the Video Game Site Webring so I added a link on the front page for that.

4/18/2022: The Gallery is now officially open! Check out some of the cool things people have submitted!! There is also now a Tip Jar linked on the front page, in case you wanna leave the Webmaster a tip :^) A few random edits have been made to pages other than this, but nothing major.

4/16/2022: Removed a link or two and fixed the Videos page. Community art gallery will be up soon :^)

4/9/2022: Updated the Pathologic (2006) Playthrough Writeup and also renamed it to the Pathologic (2006) Haruspicus Playthrough Writeup.

4/5/2022: Finally added the Downloads page! I have moved the game downloads to this page and included some more trinkets, including game manuals and a download of just the first game's music. Some more concept art has been added to the Official Art page. Revamped the Videos page and added a LOT more content there. I also added a Contact page, just to have a dedicated page for it. Just in case! There's been a minor update to the Development History section and some corrections made to the Interactive Changeling Route.

4/4/2022: (Slightly) fixed some random issues with the site, including broken links, typos, and my fanart galleries. Official art page is improved? But not fixed just yet...

4/2/2022: I've added a lot of little random things to different parts of the site, mainly corrections to typos (lol). Biggest thing is that I've added two of the Pathologic alphas to the Assets page! Definitely download those and check them out if you're interested. Also, many thanks to everyone who has sent in their artwork to the gallery so far! I'm still working on the official displays and I will respond to everyone once their work is up :^)

3/24/2022: Officially announced the Gorkhon Community Art Gallery! Also did a writeup for how to run Pathologic Classic HD on Linux, which will be stored in Extra Resources until I find a better place to put it. Currently have an article in progress to put on here as well as some more official images, stay tuned... :3

1/25/2022: Finally added the Mod Spotlight page and moved information about modding over to that page for convenience. Added a new essay, a paragraph about the Feverish Feeling ARG to the Development History section, some more articles, and a few more downloads to the Assets page. Also changed some Google Drive links to MEGA links. Probably some other stuff too!

1/16/2022: Re-optimized the images on pages with my art and the official art. Sorry for barely having any updates, I haven't forgotten about this site!

10/21/2021: Edited the site button... again!

10/12/2021: Added the Changeling Route page, which is the Changeling Route coded in Twine (made by my friend Mel)! Rearranged things on the front page links, leaving hints to new things I will add :^)

10/7/2021: Hiatus over! There are a bunch of new pages, including: Development History, Videos, OCs/AUs, and Gameplay Tips. Smaller changes include adding more content to the Articles, Essays, Further Reading, Extra Resources, Assets & Official Art pages. A few music tracks were added to Classic HD on the Assets page so please give those a listen (check the notes.txt file)! I also removed the to-do list page, which still exists in my notes, I just decided I didn't want it public. Some other little changes have been made to different pages, again also mainly for my convenience. There are some other things I'm sure I didn't mention, so take a look around!

5/9/2021: Created the assets & official art pages! In addition, there is now a site to-do list, so you can get a general idea of what I'm working on at any given moment. Also added a few more entries to my art page, Articles, and Extra Resources. Made a few other small organizational changes, mainly to make my life easier.

4/9/2021: Added a page for all my Daniil drawings! A few other drawings were added to the other art pages as well.

4/8/2021: Some items removed from Further Reading section.

3/17/2021: Alongside a few small updates, the analysis page is officially up and as fleshed out as I can make it right now! Lots of new information is now available for you to peruse, if you so desire :3 A new fanblog was added to the listing as well!

3/14/2021: We have a guestbook now! It is on the front page right underneath the site button :^) Another larger update should be coming relatively soon.

3/7/2021: Added a page for outside Patho resources! Edited the music page so the links are embeds instead of links (that way there's a tracklist preview). Made a few other small adjustments.

3/6/2021: Added a page for all my Artemy drawings!

2/26/2021: Officially published the site! It is largely unfinished, but I wanted to have everything properly registered. I'm planning on editing the glossary page to be a little cooler, among other things. Stay tuned!