In case you need to reach the Webmaster for any reason, you can contact me using this email:
If you would like to contribute anything to the site, right now we are accepting submissions for:
- the Community Art Gallery (visual art, fanart, videos, music, etc.)
- Articles about Pathologic
- Essays (written by you or someone else)
- Other notable fansites/fanblogs
- Official art (barring artbook-only scans)
- Early development game builds
- Corrections to things I've written on here
- Translations of on-site content (other language mirrors would be awesome!)
- Any extra resources you might have!
I have some specific criteria in mind for what I would like to host on this site, so please keep in mind that I may not accept all suggestions. This is first and foremost my own personal project, but if you have anything cool to show me, I'm quite interested ^_^
Please refer to the Legal Disclaimer page in case you happen to have any concerns with my site or the content hosted on it.
Keep in mind that I probably will not respond to any emails that fall outside of these particular topics. For any submissions, I may not respond right away unless I have a question, otherwise I'll only respond when I put your submission on the site.
If you'd just like to check in or leave a general comment, feel free to sign the guestbook!